A Gay Eye
Gay male art, not just the male nude, is what interests me. Like most gay men I love to look at pictures of naked men. As an art student in Albany New York I learned to love looking at paintings of naked men. I quickly figured out that I looked at them differently than my male classmates. I slowly realized that I also looked at them differently than my female classmates.

I believe I have a gay eye, a gay way of seeing the nude male form. I don’t look with desire or lust or even “an appreciation of beauty” as a woman might look at a nude man. I also do not look at the male figure as a thing apart, like an object, as men see women’s bodies in art. As a gay man I think of it as an extension of what I want to be, also what I want to possess, and what I want to be “out there” that represents me.
The classic male form (as represented here) is what I wanted to do in college and have attached to my public self. It is “THE CLASSIC MALE NUDE”: some kind of “pose” that doesn’t make anyone really uncomfortable to look at. We get to concentrate on the skill of the rendering and think of all that flesh and muscle like we would a pretty flower, or the meticulous rendering of a bird.
Illustration was always a way to put the nude male in the public eye in a non-threatening way. Now it seems it’s all about the “sexually charged man”. Advertisements are ambiguous enough to be aimed at men, women, gay men and even children! What you want. What you want to be. What you want to become.

Clive Barker, the horror novelist and director, has a very odd perspective on the male figure. As a painter he seems to combine a whimsical skill with a disturbing and dark content, which I love. His nudes both attract and repel. They have what I think of as a “gay” view because they have a sexual tension that borders on obsession. His books are wonderful, his movies mesmerizing; but in his paintings he seem to reveal much more about what it means to be a gay man lusting after “flesh” and the consequences which come from that. He reminds me most of Michelangelo at the end of his life. I am thinking of that last haunting self -portrait where he depicts himself as reduced to the flayed skin held up by the imp/devil in The Last Judgment. Go to Clive Barker’s homepage at: http://www.clivebarker.com/html/visions/gallery/gall.html for more on a modern moralist painter.

Mel Odem’s men exsist in a world of highly sexually charged romance. Every portrait gets me wondering what is happening BELOW the waist…

This stuff is the “gay guy” preoccupation with dick that is all over the place. Thanks Tom of Finland, you created a generation of men that couldn’t get enough DICK. It is the focus and the point of all this art. Highly explicit, and with no apologies about it’s subject matter, it seems to say to gay men; WELL HERE IT IS! My only question is: Now what?

Send me a little mail and let me know what you think!

Male Art Site Click here for the original page I wrote. Careful, it's crazy with (nasty) pop-ups but has more art.
Posted by bostonwill
at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: March 14, 2006 3:33 PM EST