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Bostonwill's Gay / Art BLOG
March 14, 2006
Brokeback Mountain: Quit You Scene
The key scene, I think we can all agree, is the I wish I could quit you scene. Which of the following thoughts best describe the full meaning of the movie to you?

Never enough time.

A passionate lust which eased into a true love that would have blossomed into a mature committed relationship; if only there were enough time. Enough time for Ennis and Jack to discard their closeted pasts and enough time for our culture not to persecute them - to just let them be.

All them things that I don't know.

This isn't a movie about gay love as much as it is about male love. Ennis' inability to commit to Jack, and Jack's unwillingness to live "happily ever after" on only what Ennis is willing to give him, is a simple love story. The violence of Ennis' jealously is underscored by both character's recognition that what they are feeling, no matter how ill-equipped they are to handle it, is true deep love.

I wish I knew how to quit you.

This whole movie is about Jack's realization that he needs to live a more fully complete life. In particular: to come out of the closet and live a romantic life, come what may, with or with out Ennis. This scene is his cry for Ennis to come with him. To find the strength to fight for what they want, and to hell with the world around them!

Why won't you let me be.

This scene shows Ennis as a typical heroically flawed character. Unable to control the wild passions for Jack that have ruled and shaped his whole life, he still believes that if only he had never met Jack, his life would have been "normal". And, more importantly, his slow realization, too late, that Jack's love is all he ever really wanted in life.

Damn you!

A gay love story, two characters so madly in love with each other, that they are bound together forever: one heart, eternally. And even though they realize that their "forbidden passion" has destroyed their lives, they understand that they never really had a choice.

The Memory

This movie is about two men who met by chance, fell passionately in love, and tried to live the best life together that they knew how to live. In the end, it is the life and love they shared that matters.

or as I would paraphrase it...

1. It's society's fault. 2. It's the man's fault. (the OTHER GUY'S fault) 3. It's Ennis' fault. (You are Jack) 4. It's Jack's fault. (You are Ennis) 5. It's nobodies fault. 6. It just is.

Posted by bostonwill at 12:53 AM EST
Updated: March 14, 2006 2:24 PM EST

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