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Bostonwill's Gay / Art BLOG
November 4, 2005
Galdor Craeftig.

Am I getting old, should I wear my trousers rolled?
Do I dare to eat a peach?

I LOVE T.S.Elliot! Has anyone EVER given dorky asexual gay guys a better champion. What did all those turn of the century "modern" closet-cases do before T.S.? Oh THE VALIDATION!!!!!!
But seriously, "the jew on the windowsill" racism not withstanding, he did have a way with words.

We have to think of them as forever bailing,
Setting and hauling, while the North East Lowers
Over shallow banks unchanging and erosionless
Or drawing their money, drying sails at dockage;
Not as making a trip that will be unpayable
For a haul that will not bear examination.

SOMEONE give this guy a razor!
Or, as T.S. would have stated it "I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope."
No, actually I love him, I really really, honest to god
, I do.

Well? Any words of wisdom? Any propositions? Had the experience but missed the meaning? OK, now I'm just being pissy. But really, give me a fag like WHITMAN!

I have heard what the talkers were talking
.... the talk of the beginning and
the end
But I do not talk of the beginning or
the end.

There was never any more inception than
there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there
is now,
And will never be anymore perfection
than there is now
Nor any more heaven or hell than there
is now

Urge and urge and urge,
Always the procreant urge of the world.

Out of the dimness opposite equals
advance.... Always substance and
increase, always sex.
Always a knit of identity.... always
distinction.... always a breed of life.

Now THAT'S a man I could love!

Posted by bostonwill at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: February 18, 2006 12:57 PM EST
May 23, 2005
Fort Lauderdale or BUST!

Gino asked me to travel down to Fla. to help him move. He flew up and I rented a SUV for the long haul down. We decided to take as long as it takes and then I would fly back (CHEAP Airfare).

It was so much fun...

(Fun post moved to a different, more sex obsessed, blog of mine)

Posted by bostonwill at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: February 18, 2006 1:09 PM EST
November 1, 2004
New ART or AHT
Here is my most recent "guy on the beach" thingy. I am beginning to feel like Tuke, but with men - not boys.

What do you think? Am I getting any better?

Who the hell am I talking to...

Posted by bostonwill at 4:13 PM EST
Updated: February 18, 2006 1:15 PM EST
October 15, 2004
Holiday craft fair.

Well, it's time once again to start working on the things I want to sell at my friend Noah's Holiday Craft Fair. More landscapes or go all out with some of the naked man paintings I've been doing... what to do?
I do love Noah's parties. Such jollity (I don't know if thats really a word, but if it isn't - it should be). Lots of people lots of cookies lots of INTERCOURSE (Oh, look it up you perverts).
Having my artwork on display will be, a bit anxiety inducing. I can post stuff here, because it isn't REALLY looked at. But there will be some gallery grade artists there...

What is it with the naked man paintings? This is beyond.... ANYTHING comprehensible.

I went with a mix, some winter scenes, a couple of artsy nudes. Nothing too... "you've captured just the right flush of blood in that penis, sweetie" unfortunatley it was snowed out. Poor friend. He put a LOT of work into it.

Posted by bostonwill at 2:26 PM EDT
Updated: February 17, 2006 9:04 PM EST
August 10, 2004
Moving on up!

Packing and moving, as if LOOKING for the damn place wasn't enough work. At least I will be downtown again... oh happy day! Can't wait for the fun and fun and fun!
Not that it isn't fun here. Gary made the funniest comment EVER.

I was busy in my room with a few FRIENDS from the net I was cruising... chatting up. And after the last one (of about 4, that's not TOO many for a Party - is it?) slouched out the front door, I put on my robe and went to socialize with the roomies in the living room.
Without missing a beat Gary said "I was beginning to think of your room as a clown car - like in the circus. Just how many men were going to eventually come pouring out of there!" That BITCH, That funny, funny bitch! I am going to use that line if it takes my whole life!

Come to think of it, I almost wet myself on another line of his. Granted, it was one of those you-had-to-be-there lines, but I snorted coffee out mah NOSE!

It was a beautiful summer day and I had taken my coffee to the back porch to enjoy the moment. Now you need to know that I am a hirsute kind of guy, and that I am very, very well groomed; I use Nair on my back and I clip my chest hair to a presentable length for society. Good grooming is good grooming, after all. It isn't what you were given; (with ONE exception) It's what you do with it.

So there I was lapping up my morning joy by the mouthful: communing with the flora and admiring the fauna all about me. One of the fauna I was admiring was the tree surgeon who was whacking branches off the neighbor's tree. I was hoping that all the buzzing buzzing buzzing of branches in the hot sun would cause the slightest discomfort with that all too thick appearing T-shirt he was wearing. When suddenly I heard, louder than the buzz saw being wielded a few yards from me, Gary YELL from the kitchen:"WILL! ARE YOU TRIMMING YOUR BACK HAIR AGAIN?"
He really is an insufferable bitch. But FUNNY!

Posted by bostonwill at 3:58 PM EDT
Updated: February 18, 2006 1:13 PM EST
July 16, 2004
Mr. America

A rather gratuitous self portrait.

This is the third I've done. I bearded one - from my youth I sent to Tammy, no acknowledgment. A HUGE G.I. Joe type of thing with my face, and this one of me straddling the world and holding my member... is THAT Freudian OR WHAT.

Posted by bostonwill at 12:57 PM EDT
Updated: February 17, 2006 9:09 PM EST
June 21, 2004
Kinky Sex...
Yes, we are all probably kinky in some way, some more than others. I can now add another to the ten best sex experiences of my life (I'll have to figure out what to bump, or just make it 11). There was just a hint of auto-asphyxiation, something I would NEVER have dealt with, oh well it proves the adage NEVER SAY NEVER!

It has, however, got me thinking about Pandering. When does art become... well, less arty and more DIRTY?
I would react favorabily to a bondage painting hanging in a gallery (I would react whole-heartedly, from my non-exsistant hairline to my trembly little toes, at a bondage MAN hanging from the gallery...), but how would I feel about seeing it hanging over the couch of a friend. And how would that change what I thought about my friend?

Posted by bostonwill at 12:21 PM EDT
Updated: February 18, 2006 1:33 PM EST
June 9, 2004
Read This !
I know you want to, my new page on what art is all about (still under construction)


Posted by bostonwill at 11:24 AM EDT
May 16, 2004
Monday, May 16th It's a whole new world.

At least until 2006! Tonight there are parties and celebations in Massachusetts (and especially the next town down the street from my home in Arlington: Cambridge City Hall) the first couples are lining up to get hitched... Not to rain on anyones parade but I HOPE they know what they're doing! Except the lesbians, they always know what they're doing.

God bless us one and all! Happy and joyous nuptials to all... wait a minute, if it's considered bad form to never congratulate the bride... then WHO ARE WE GOING TO CONGRATULATE? Hee Hee I couldn't resist that one.

Posted by bostonwill at 11:20 PM EDT
Updated: February 18, 2006 1:18 PM EST
April 23, 2004
Spring is in the Air...
Lovely weather for boy-watching and long walks on the esplande. I am spending a lot of time trying to reconnect with friends after that long and horrible winter, PLUS painting guys that I chat with from around the world. Lots of fun there, stay posted for pics!

Posted by bostonwill at 2:04 PM EDT

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