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Bostonwill's Gay / Art BLOG
January 7, 2007
Romney: Get out and DON'T come back.

It's not that I have anything against mormons... oh wait yes I do. But why couldn't we get "Donny and Marie", why this asshole? We don't mind having republican governors in Massachusetts, but this nut helped push republicans off the mat for decades to come in this state. Not that I have anything against republicans... oh wait, yes I do.














Get out of our statehouse! Actually, get out of our state! 

Posted by bostonwill at 12:06 PM EST
Updated: January 7, 2007 12:18 PM EST

April 4, 2007 - 10:14 AM EDT

Name: "Hushicho"
Home Page: http://hushicho.captainn.net/haupt

I've been looking at your blog and really appreciate it. I agree with so much that you've said, so much that you've posted, and it's all fascinating. I also love the artwork that you've posted and, of course, artists are the harshest on themselves.

As you're an appreciator of art, I wanted to ask if it might be possible for you to help me a little bit myself, as I am an artist, by helping me spread the word and exposure about my work.

I am Hushicho, and recently I've put out my studio's first major artbook release. It's art nouveau portraits of gods, demons, and all kinds of celestial beings. Uniquely, there are many male subjects and nudes as well. I hope you'll enjoy it.

You can see a preview at the publisher's site, which is here:


You can also visit the studio's official site here:


We have a Printfection shop (you can get there under Shop on the site) where you can see previews of more images included in the artbook, and of course if you'd like a pdf-format copy to help you enjoy more of it, I would be happy to supply it to you.

Thank you for your time and patience, and I hope that this doesn't upset or disrupt you. I hope this finds you well.

Sincerely yours,

September 27, 2007 - 2:30 AM EDT

Name: "Erica"
Home Page: http://www.sugarinspice.com

Trying to help get the respect we deserve! Check it out...


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