Yes, I do mean CLUE! Saturday was fun. Spent it meeting new people and learning new games... CARD games. One of the guys I was talking to said: That's weird, you have no problem at all telling me all about your kinky sex life, but have trouble admitting you once went to CHARADES parties.
That is truly "The gay experience" now isn't it? The party, in Vermont< was really a hoot. Lots of good food, good conversation and the chance to connect.
I spent Sunday hooking up with friends, thinking about departed loved ones and going to Mount Auburn Cemetary to take some more photos. It ended up being a very peaceful day and I loved some of the images I got.
I might even make one of these my X-mas card this year. How weird is that? Merry christmas, here's a picture of a GRAVESTONE that I think is festive!
Posted by bostonwill
at 11:47 AM EST
Updated: November 18, 2003 12:01 PM EST